Assessing Your Options in View of Escalating Health Care Costs
Sept. 9, 2011
Almost everyone in their fifties and many people earlier in their lives think about planning for nursing home care or treatment of a serious illness. Whether you have received a diagnosis of Alzheimer's or early dementia, believe you are genetically susceptible to any such condition, or simply want to be prudent and proactive, we are well prepared to help you with long-term care decisions and Medicaid planning.
Your options may include:
Gaining assurance that your substantial assets are sufficient for any likely scenario so that you know you will be able to pay “out of pocket” for long term care
Purchase of long term care insurance that provides security and peace of mind
Specialized estate planning — from specific language in your will and power of attorney to development of an income cap trust or another specific legal document — designed to accomplish Medicaid planning and protect the futures of your spouse and other heirs
Not only does attorney Phil Hingson have extensive knowledge of Oregon laws, estate planning, and Medicaid eligibility, our firm frequently calls upon other specialized resources you can trust — from capable financial planners to providers of legitimate, proven long-term care insurance. We can provide referrals or work alongside you to help ensure your goals are met.