Plan For Tomorrow & Secure Your Future LET'S GET STARTED

Probate Attorney in Portland, Oregon

How can you ensure that you have clearly recorded your final wishes regarding the disposition of your estate?

How can you avoid potential contention and litigation arising out of vague language used in earmarking certain items for specific family members?

What can you do to ensure that laws enacted that could affect your estate do not reduce what you can give to your heirs?

It is also important to be able to know what to avoid as well as what to do.

Worried About Probate?

Let's Set Your Loved Ones Up for Success

Having a solid will and estate plan crafted with a knowledgeable and experienced attorney you can trust will give you more peace of mind than you can imagine. Working with Phil Hingson also means that you will have a full understanding in everyday language of how and why your final plans are created.